I have the following Swans and ducks available at this time. Black Swan: adult hen $500, Black Swans: 2018 hatch $800/pair, Breeder Mute Cobb $500, Mute Swans $1000/pair, Bahama pintail hens $40/each, Bluewing Teal $80/pair, Call ducks (show quality) $100/pair, hens $70 Chestnut Breasted Teal $150/pair, Mandarin $110/pair, drakes $50/each, Ring Teal $75/pair, 6 pair $300, Ruddy Shelduck $150/pair, hens $75/each, Silver Bahama pintail $150/pair, Silver Fulvous Tree ducks $150/pair, Silver Redheads $150/pair