We have 2 amazing Yorkie puppies, a males and a female. They are registered with AKC. Our family adores the breed and we have been raising teacup Yorkshire terriers for years. There are no health issues and all puppies have their certificates of health and all shots Yorkshire Terrier Pups For Sale. Adorable teacup Yorkie puppies for sale. Two males and two females left. They have had all the love and attention from both us and their mum. Pups are now ready to leave. They are in great health and will be fully vet checked and inoculated before they leave us. I can ship my puppies to you. Please Interested persons should Yorkshire Terrier Sweet teacup Yorkshire puppies ready to go in Abilene Well trained teacup puppies. This puppies are home and puty trained and are very friendly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx