Willarnnie Kennels have been breeding Retrievers for 25 years . Our girls are our much lo..
5 puppies 3 females 2 males
Wormed, mirochiped and vaccinated. Born tenth of twelth twen..
1x female 11 week old puppies. Wormed, vet checked, vaccinated, microchipped fully weaned..
7 beautiful active purebred puppies. Ready for their forever homes. My dogs are my childr..
I have 9 gorgeous puppies who desperately need homes. They recently lost their mother fro..
Hello everyone! We have Mastiff Cross puppies available for new homes now! We have 6 left..
8 pups available very healthy ready to go to good home...
1x female 11 week old puppies. Wormed, vet checked, vaccinated, microchipped fully weaned..
For sale/giveaway to good home. Locacated xxxx. Wormed. Will be vaccinated and microchipp..
Pure-bred French Bulldog puppies, 6x female, 1x male, wormed, vaccinated and microchipped..
Please meet my adorable litter of Pure Breed Miniature Poodles in stunning red that I was..
A Beautiful nine month old male dog, beautiful nature furs like silk only reason I’m se..
Born 23 December 2024. 4 males, 2 females. Males $3500, Females $4000.
Will be chipped..