5 healthy Moodle puppies. Born xx.xx.xxxx. Litter of 3 boys 2 Girls. Mum is a Maltese and weighs 5.5kg. Dad is purebred toy poodle weighs 2.9kgs. Both parents are healthy and very affectionate loyal companions. Hyper-allergic luscious non shedding coats suitable for thyose with pet allergies. If couch cuddles and a lap dog is what your looking for then look no further. All pups have been wormed every 2 weeks and will be microchipped and vaccinated on the xx.xx.xxxx. Some of my past fur baby families have returned for a second and third pup. References available on request. Please message to make an appointment to view. Pups will be ready for their forever home xx.xx.xxxx BINxxxxxxxxxxxxx