New litter of xxxx born on the 4th of June. They will be well handled and socialised in a family environment. Very special homes required with secure fencing.. Dingos are very affectionate, independent, loving and loyal. They can not be "owned" they are companions, they bond with their "pack" for life. They do not bark, they do howl. They only have one season per year and no "doggy " odour. The cubs have been socialised with other dogs besides mum and dad, have been socialised with cats. great with kids. Cubs are vaccinated, microchipped, wormed and vet checked . Ready to go at 8 weeks old at the end of July. Pick up Weethalle could help with delivery for a fee. Boy$1800 Girls $1500 no scams or pay ids depoist can be taken to secure your beautiful cub no refunds given.