This sweet little boy is looking for his forever home. He is fully weaned, pee pad trained and vet checked. He will probably be under 6lbs full grown based on other litters we have had. His dad weighs just 4.5 lbs and his mom is 5.5 lbs. He is well socialized, energetic and fun but loves to just snuggle. He is calm and a real lap dog. He would be suited best for a home with children over 5. He is used to other small dogs and cats. He is available to be seen in Lethbridge Alberta. We will deliver up to 250 kms from Lethbridge for free. Anything over 250 kms we can negotiate a delivery fee. He will come with a bag of puppy chow and a toy. A non refundable deposit of $500 is required with the balance to be paid upon pick up or delivery.