We have 4 available Pups. They will be 9 weeks on Wednesday December 7. They are ready to go now. Puppies have first shots, deworming and physical examination with a clean bill of health (vet passport included). Tails are intact. No papers. Pups are being introduced to socialization and leash training this week. Our pups are raised with love, care, introduction to obedience and house-training from day one. Pups are carefully fed a high protein diet including milk, meat, and fish. This is the first litter of Atlas and Andora (the A-Team). Both parents are on site. They are 3 years old purebred German Rottweilers, our babies and family companions. Both have great temperaments, protectors of the home and sweet with family and children. We have 20 years of experience with the breed. Details about the breed can be found in both the CKC and AKC websites. Prospect buyers will be interviewed to ensure the pups go to responsible owners who will give them love and train them properly. Reasonable offers will be considered. Rottweilers are a working breed that love exercise but they are also big babies that will snuggle and cuddle with you. They are very affectionate, extremely intelligent, and sensitive. Adequate training, love and dedication are a must. Please refer to the link to our facebook page: Alison's Rottweilers for more pics and videos.