Registered Presa Canario
We currently have a litter of 4 females and 4 males, born July 22, 2023. All of our puppies are UKC registered and will come with paper work. Presa Canario are built strong, and muscular. They are protective of their humans, livestock, and other loved ones. Presa Canario require a strong, assertive leader to reach their full potential. Both parents are gentle, and friendly, with great temperaments. Both parents are family dogs. The pups have been well handled, cared for and nurtured since birth. They will come vet checked, dewormed, first round of shots, with a vet record. We do not crop ears, or dock tails. Our main focus is the well being of our puppies, and for them to go to loving forever homes. Each puppy will come with an individual puppy care package including: their first collar, a leash, a blanket with familiar smells, puppy food, and a few other items. We are selling our puppies for $3500, you’ll be getting a fully purebred, registered dog. If you would like to hold a certain pup, we require a non-refundable deposit of $500. You can come and meet your pup before you put down a deposit. We can also send pictures and updates until your pup is ready to venture to his or her new home. Sire: Theo Dam: Lexi-MayView Detail