50 days Labrador dog puppie , so cute and active, friendly dog and also its my dog. Iam n..
27days labrador male puppy available near maraimalai nagar contact xxxxxxxxxx..
Lab 30 days female puppy in good condition half white colour..
Home littered black Labrador retriever available 3 male and 1 female available. Puppies a..
30days Black Labrador male & female puppies available.. price negotiable..
6 months old
Male Lab Puppy
All Vaccines Completed
Mobile Number: xxxxxxxxxx..
37 days old, male Labrador puppy for sale. He's alert, active and smart! Loves food, peop..
Healthy and good condition male puppy... 5month old.... Anybody intrest to buying contact..
33 days old labrador retriver is ready for sale.
Bollineni hill side apartme..
3 months old lebrador,white colour, healthy,cute and active...
heavy bone puppy lab of 40 days forsold,we couodnt able to manage in appartment so sellin..
2 months puppy. 1st Vaccination done. Giving it urgently since we are moving abroad. Orig..
Im looking for good caretaker for my puppy (Lucky) since im travels out state i counld no..
Finding a new home for a Vaccinated active puppy as a owner, selling my puppy as I could ..
Like to sell for home and not for pet shop/kanel.
Full vaccinated.
Treated and Grown-up..
Very friendly lab dog for sale due to house charges, wats app xxxxxxxxxx..
Five month old labrador puppy for sale fully vaccinated sale rete can be negotiated direc..
Am selling him by keeping my heart as stone since due to work i cant able to care him. My..
High quality 34 days old male puppy
Certificate: not available..
Name Xylo,40 days old,cute ,eye catching,very friendly.Reason to selling this cutie is I ..