Beautiful pure bred mini doxies. Male and female avail long and short available. 2 differ..
Long haired mini Daschund purebred AKC. One girl and one boy available. Shaded Red with w..
2 male dogs verry start play full estrong and follow order they like to play in water per..
I have 5 crème females available.
They were born Oct 8.
Mom is a AKC standard poodle a..
4 month female puppy. Loving and care puppy . Very hyper . Has some of her shots. She is ..
My husky is registered with American Canine Association, and is compliant with all vaccin..
7 month old husky pit named samantha, she's had all shots and has been dewormed. She is p..
Leland is very friendly. He is great around kids. Very laid back. He will also come with ..
2 male dogs verry start play full estrong and follow order they like to play in water per..
Laura is a beautiful baby girl who's looking for his new best friend!
She loves chewing..
Hello everyone I have all white husky puppies ready for their new home they are super cut..
One male and two female 12 weeks, microchip and both jabs. Beautiful white husky puppies ..
Posted on April 27, 2xxx 08:27 pm - All Ads by this Poster - Email to friend - Flag this ..
Ready in time for Xmas. Beautiful pups with personality. Registered AKC and ICCF. Parents..
Both mum and dad are our family pets and can be seen with puppy's fully pedigree but do n..
Mum and dad are both out lovely pets and can been seen when you view your puppy, they hav..
Adorable Healthy Rough Collie Puppies! Ready for adoption 1/1/25. Both parents- AKC Re..
Are you ready to welcome a bundle of joy into your home? Our precious mini poodles are lo..
Will be 6 weeks December 20th, red and blue merles males and females $700 blk and red tri..
Tate is available with limited AKC registration. He is a cuddly boy right now, loves to p..
We have the best basenjis out there. I have three different bloodlines. I've had to send ..
She is so sweet. Wants to be with you. Shipping is 650. Call for more information..