CHA-CHING son of Grand Champion Shamrock has sired his second litter's 2 males $950 and ..
ABKC 8 week old puppies paperwork in hand all update on shots and deworm the other pictur..
Meet Teddy he will be 8 weeks old on Sunday. He is UTD on shots and deworming. He loves t..
Direct Serbian import rottweiler. Foundational female from the top xxxxxxxxxx.xx include ..
16 week old American Pocket Bullies, ukc registered...
Beautiful American bully puppies
Blue is female, fawn and lilac are males..
3 American bully 10 week old pups of grand champion bloodline good price..
He is completely trained and fun love fur baby. He is 2 year old and has all paper showin..
Meet Teddy he will be 8 weeks old on Sunday. He is UTD on shots and deworming. He loves t..
Very good dog, so loveing and caring knows how to use the bathroom on its own and knows w..
This puppy is potty trained. It is well mannered and good with kids. Even keeled and most..
Purebred amir I can bully puppies only 1 male 4 females born 5/27..
Abkc american bully female
Available she is grest with children and smart
CKC Purebred Standard Poodles born 11/14/24, dam is black and sire is Merle, both are 40 ..
American Bully Puppies..
These puppies are 6 weeks old and are ready to go to a loving home. Have had all there sh..
9 weeks old
One blue female with white stomach
one lilac tri female
Both a..
I have 9 female 5 week old Saffie/Boxer puppies. The father is a Boxer/Saffie mix and the..
Shichon AKA Teddy Bears
Pilot Hill Teddy Bear Puppies
Female eight months old house broken awesome with kids go are the dogs and cats all aroun..
Malachi is a loving, enjoyable, kids friendly pet. He is fully vaccinated, with papers. H..
His is 6 months old, he is a good dog. he is potty trained and knows paw,sit,up,down and ..
he’s up to date with shots, he’s potty trained, he knows up,down, and sit...
French bulldog puppy female blue color with blue eyes..
Hello a couple weeks ago I adopted a3 month old sweet girl. Unfortunately I had a change ..
I am currently selling American Bullies Reverse Brindle puppies from a gorgeous and healt..
I have 10 newborn puppies that will be ready in a couple weeks once they grow a little bi..
8 week old gorgeous XL American Bully pups ready to be a part of your family… ABKC regi..
We have 100% Golden Retrievers AKC registered puppies. Puppies are so playful ready to po..
Gorgeous super cute tiny boy pomeranian 3.96 lb 18 weeks old Has all..
Born on 12/23/2024 ready for February 23 2025. I have 4 girls and 4 boys the one black, o..
xxxx has raised healthy, happy and affectionate puppies for loving families, for 20 years..