******follow us "aeabullykennel" on instagram for updates and more***** *puppies were born september* *we have both parents on site and own both parents* **moving so puppies must be picked up by october 20th** our dame and sire are registered purple ribbon (pr) ukc american bullies. their litter was born september 10th. our dame is razor edge/gotti bloodline and our sire is iron cross/razor edge, he is also dual registered through the abkc. both have great body structure, laidback calm temperament and are amazing around children as well as other pets. the sire is son of dough boy, dough boy is the son of alabama iron kennel infamous "kuma" aka rockstar. dame has champions (her grandparents) in her bloodline. all puppies will come with a health guarantee along with their first vaccination, ukc papers on hand, dewormed and ready to leave to their new home after october 20th, i'm moving so come get them before then. you may contact me here or text me directly at (xxx) xxx-xxx1 Thank you