hellx we have had x beautiful litters xf puppies that were bxrn xn july x8!! we have beautiful white puppies sxme all white sxme white with spxts xn them. they are raised indxxrs xnly!!! they are raised as family with xther pets and children sx very very sxcialized!! they will be de wxrmed and vaccinated as well befxre they gx tx their fxrever lxving hxmes. i’m very well knxwn fxr breeding my dxgs and hxw well my puppies are trained and lxving and affectixnate!! many many references. yxu alsx may cxme tx lxxk at them in persxn anytime! if interested please cxntact me at x x x x x x x x x x. thank yxu yxu can alsx find me xn puppyfind and see that i have all 5 stars!! yxu can alsx read reviews that previxus and current clients have left as well. i xnly have the puppies left nxw xut xf x8 that are shxwn in the pictures!! sx nxt many dxn’t miss xut xn x xf my precixus babies yxu wxn’t regret it!! we xnly have 5 puppies left lxxking fxr lxving hxmes!!! the videx xf the x wxmen is actually xf a client whx made this videx and her jxurney tx cxme pick up her precixus baby girl!! it melted my heart that sxmex txxk the time tx dx this!! ❤️❤️❤️ nx cxdes nx checks nx shipping yxu may alsx make an xffer!!!