abkc and ukc papers; ears cropped already; if local to us and exceptional home may consider co-own and other incentives; all pups ears are CROPPED very nice looking; we will not return emails so please text only and expect a call from us if we thinks you approved. text xxx-xxx-xxxx. never let price prevent you from getting a super top grade dog for your family for years to enjoy ** all pups ears are cropped; offering a small discount to qualifying great puppy placements ** crazy insane she-male is on the loose going be 90 plus pounds text us at xxx-xxx-xxxx everyone ask what's so special : they are truly elite high level of quality in every aspects of true wow factor if a serious buyer than we want to hear from you haters stop wasting everyones time we do not disrespect yours and have no time to engage in silly conversations scorn by envy we specializing in only the best of the best and will only want our buyers o own the correct dogs for them xxx-xxx-xxxx thanks your dream dog awaits.HIGHEST QUALITY PUP YOU HAVE FOUND THE BEST...AND YES EARS ARE CROPPED. WOW IMAGINE THIS SUPER SIZED XL LEGIONS OF TOP NOTCH RED LION BLOOD CROSS WITH INFAMOUS KING LION KING LIGER EXTRA LARGE SIZE AND DOCILE TEMPERAMENTS SUPER HIGH QUALITY PLEASE TEXT US xxx-xxx-xxxx AND THEN WE WILL CALL YOU TO TALK FURTHER OUR DOGS ARE SUPER RARE QUALITY TRAFFIC STOPPERS FOR SURE XL MUSCLED BEAST THAT HAVE UNMATCHED TEMPERAMENTS AROUND PEOPLE CHILDREN AND OTHER DOGS OR ANIMALS WE OWN BOTH THE PARENTS SO PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INSPECT THE BLOODLINE AND SUPREME TOP NOTCH ONE OF A KIND QUALITY YOU HAVE SEEN THE REST AND NOW GET THE BEST WITH US....OUR DOGS ARE CAREFULLY BRED TO MAXIMIZE THEIR LOOK AND ATHLETICISM AND INCREASE THEIR TEMPERAMENT AND INTELLIGENCE PLEASE TEXT xxx-xxx-xxxx THANKS FOR LOOKING YOU WILL NEVER BE DISAPPOINTED