Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near San Tan Valley
Blue nose bullies
Blue nose bullies born 8/1/22. 3girls left and 5 boys. Dad 95lb and mom 65lb. Also have the dads mom and dad. @9erpak IG account for family line picsView Detail
Blue nose 9ERPAK
Blue nose mom 14 month and dad 2 yr. 8/1/22 4 girls 1000 and 5 boys 1500View Detail
Blue nose xl's
Blue nose 1 3/4 yr dad and 1 yr mom. 4 girls 5 boys. Soild blue with white chest. 1 boy with a tiny white spot in the nose. Born 8/9/22.View Detail
two 9 week old pitbulls
two puppies they are house trained potty trained they are so sweet just started a job can't leave them home for 12 hoursView Detail