Ace is a great dog. He is an Pit bull / Saint Bernard mix breed. He has a lot of energy. Ace is currently 9 months old. He is not neutered yet and but has all his shots up to date. He is on heart worm prevention medicine. He does get hyper and excited when he wants to play and does get nippy. Ace is good with kids but It’s best he be around kids over the age of 12 being that he is a big dog with a lot of energy. He loves to run and play his version of fetch. He gets along well with other dogs.I love Ace but unfortunately I am not able to take him with me to where I am moving too. I really hope to find him a home who is going to show Ace the same love and care that I show him. Serious inquiries only, the price is negotiable I just want him to go to a loving home. If you are interested please contact me at .