Ruby is currently 8 weeks old. She's healthy, spunky, sweet, affectionate loyal and an amazing cuddle bug. She does great with children of all ages, dogs large and small, and cats too. She is potty trained, knows basic commands like sit, lay down, stay, and to give kisses. She has so much energy, yet knows how to just lounge and cuddle when the time calls for it. She was 1 of 5 in her litter and has thrived since day one. Her appetite is bigger than her stomach, but much of that can be chalked up to being a growing puppy. Shes spent a generous amount of time around children, she can get a bit much for younger children around 4 and under, thus being something she could use more work with if unattended. Shes not mean to them, just has very sharp teeth and likes to nibble a little mixed in with her amazing kisses. If your looking for a loyal companion, an emotional support dog, or an addition to the family she is the perfect find. If my situation currently wasnt so complicated my intentions were to keep her myself. Its going to be very hard and very emotional for me and my family to part ways with this little gem, however i believe it to be for the very best in her interest. Feel free to call or text for any inquiries. Or to set up a time to observe whether or not she is the right addition to you and yours. xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx Again thank you for your time and happy fur-ching :)