Only 2 remaining of the 10 beautiful standard Australian Shepherd. Lilly is an angelic little sweetheart who loves to cuddle as much as she loves to play. She has a beautiful apricot colored red Merle coat. Snoopy is a happy little boy. You can see him smile. He has a great blue Merle coat and unique markings. Both are ready for their forever homes now. Pups are AKC registered with full breeding rights. Mom is a blue merle with gorgeous markings and is dual registered AKC and ASCA. She is a laid back snuggler that loves to chase a frisbee. Mom weighs 55 pounds. Dad is a tri with the championship quality white mane. He is the proverbial wiggle butt and exudes pure joy. Both mom and dad have AKC pedigrees for 5 generations. Dad is an athletic Aussie at 65 Puppies were born 4/24/23 and will be ready to go to their forever home 6/19/23. They have had their tails docked and dew claws removed. They will have their first vaccinations, dewormer and vet check. Puppies are raised in our home. They will be well socialized with adults and children from infant and toddler to older children. They will exposed to farm animals, barn cats and other dogs as well as farm sounds and smells. They will have completed neurological stimulation from ages 3 days to 16 days old. Puppies come with their vet record/shot record, AKC paperwork, copy of parents AKC and ASCA pedigrees, transition food, puppy toy and small blanket with sibling scent. Snoopy $900 Lilly $1000 Please call or text (xxx)xxx-xxxx