Beautiful Standard size Australian Shepherd pupies born March 21, 2016. A litter of Black Tri's One Female and three males remaining. They will be ready for their new homes the weekend of May 14th. The puppies have had their tails docked and were vet checked by Animal Kingdom located in Sebastopol. The puppies will be wormed and will have received their first set of shots before going to their new homes. Both paretns are on site. The Sire is an ASCA registered Black Black Tri. The dam is a Blue Merle. Both parents are on site. The parents have received stock dog training. The puppies have been exposed to livestock including, horses, cows, and goats. Lots of blue eyes in this litter. We are currently acceptng $100 deposits to hold the puppies. You are welcomed to view are home and see the loving care that they are provided. Australian shepherds are excellent family dogs and great companions. They are an intelligent breed that can perform in agility and can be worked as stock dogs. We live in Middletown, CA but delivery is available to Petaluma and Santa Rosa. Rick (xxx)xxx-xxxx