l00king f0r an extra0rdinary bengal cat t0 j0in y0ur family 0r breeding pr0gram? l00k n0 further! 0ur x.x-year-0ld unaltered male cinnam0n bengal is the perfect ch0ice. with his stunning c0at and impeccable health, he's a true sh0wst0pper. n0t 0nly that, but he's als0 a pr0ven breeder, guaranteeing t0p-quality 0ffspring. whether y0u're a bengal enthusiast 0r l00king f0r a unique additi0n t0 y0ur cattery, this hands0me feline is the 1 f0r y0u. d0n't miss 0ut 0n the 0pp0rtunity t0 bring h0me this excepti0nal b0y. xxx xxx xxx2