"Phoebe" is a sweet loving smart beautiful markings female mini bernadoodle. She will mature to approx 28 lbs. She was born July 11, 2024. I bought her because I have another dog who has medical issues - Addisons Disease and I hoped having a companion would be good for my "Charlee". However, being a puppy "Phoebe" is too much energy for my Charlee and I'm afraid Charlee has not adapted to having another dog very well at all and is compromising Charlee's health. I have to do what's best all around. I adore Phoebe but I know she will find just as good a home because she is such a doll. I paid $2300 for her at 10 weeks, and am willing to take $1000 for her to a good home. I bought her from a breeder in Ohio and I am in St. Louis. She's up to date on all immunizations, preventatives and has had the best of care. It breaks my heart to come to this decision.