We have a litter of beautiful Bernedoodle puppies for sale. They were born on September 13, 2020. We have 5 females and 5 males still available. All the puppies will be completely up to date on shots and deworming, will be microchipped and their dew claws have been removed. Each puppy will have a health certificate from the vet and comes with a 1-year Genetic Health Guarantee. The Dam, Bailey, is an AKC registered Bernese Mountain Dog that weighs 96 pounds. She is SUPER loveable, gentle, intelligent, and loves to be with people. She is affectionate, thinks she is a lap dog and has a coat that is very soft. The Sire, Winston, is the most-appealing poodle color - Silver! He is officially a Silver-Beige and is an AKC & CKC registered Standard Poodle that weighs 54 pounds. He has a champion bloodline on his Dam’s side. Winston has a confident, easygoing, affectionate temperament. He loves people of all ages and loves outdoor activities. Bailey is certified by the Orthopedic Foundation For Animals to be clear of Hip and Elbow Dysplasia. Winston has been genetically health tested and cleared of any inheritable illnesses; he is eye CERF tested, and is PennHIP tested. With the Sire being a silver poodle, his puppies are born black but their coloring may change into silver as they grow older. It is impossible to know at this age which puppies will change colors. That is the exciting part about it! A non-refundable deposit of $800 is required to hold your puppy until he/she is ready to go home on November 7th. Please email Cheryl at xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx with any questions or to arrange a visit. You may also call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx.