Bernese Puppies Aavailable We have an absolute beautiful litter of bernese puppies. Mum is a Labrador X Bernese mountain dog and dad is a pure bred pedigree Bernese mountain dogs. This breed of of dog is a recognised breed in Canada. They have an absolute fantastic temperament. More can be found out on the breed if you type in "extraordinary dogs" on you tube! All the puppies have been raised in doors and would have been exposed to general household noises, young children, other dogs and they would have seen our cat! In the litter we have both girls and boys, and short and long coats. We have some tri coloured, some black and white and some that look identical to a pure bred Bernese mountain dog. We have done a mating like this previously. Although it was different parents, I have included what those puppies look like as they have grown up to give you some idea of what you can expect. The puppies will come with a dos and donts sheet and a diet sheet to help guide new puppy owners. We are now taking deposits. Please cotact us for more details if you are serious and also frrom a pet loving home.