Adorable Healthy Rough Collie Puppies! Ready for adoption 1/1/25. Both parents- AKC Re..
I have 10 black brindle cane corso puppies for sale 6 weeks old, born on November 20th wi..
AKC , Arlo was born November 9, he’s a beautiful Ice white Pomeranian boy. Very lovable..
This is the one of 4 girls out of a litter of 7 puppies. She is so sweet and calm. She ju..
Born August 28th 2019, they will be dewormed and have 1st round of shots. Each puppy come..
Bloodhound male red 16 months fullblooded intact 350 xxxxxxxxxx..
8 AKC BH pups - awesome pedigree. 800 limited, 1000 full. text / call anytime!..
Need to find a new home for this big boy. He is 2 1/2. Great with kids and other dogs. Do..
AKC , Arlo was born November 9, he’s a beautiful Ice white Pomeranian boy. Very lovable..
5 Bloodhound Mutts all 8 weeks old, VERY Adorable!
3 Females
2 Males
Immunization ..
Looking for a home for these puppies. I have 1 boy and 4 girls. I have mon and dad, they ..
Shots and dewormed. Both gender available. They are great hunting dogs and family pets. E..
7 weeks old.
Have 2 rounds of wormer
1st set of puppy shots
Father is a akc register..
Gorgeous super cute tiny boy pomeranian 3.96 lb 18 weeks old Has all..
Location : Raleigh 27612.
Price : $500
If interested, please give me a call or message..
Raised in our home as a member of our family. Our babies are given lots of daily individu..
We have to sell our beautiful baby girl due to the fact we can no longer have her in our ..
Our Charlotte is expecting her first and only litter on June 25th, 2019 and her puppies w..
Silver and white pups. 3 months old. Up to date on shots,spayed or neutered, vet checked,..
I have 9 bloodhound puppies
5 females
4 males
Full breeding rights
AKC registered
Hank is up for stud to qualified females. My sweet boy is up for stud to approved females..
We have 2 boys and 3 girls Bloodhound puppies. They are registered AKC and have been exam..
Well socialized male and female Puppies available and comes with AKC Registered, upto dat..
Shipping is $650 please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information. We have the best basenjis..
AKC purebred puppies for sale. Perfect for hunting, tracking, or just a family pet. Not a..
12 weeks old male and female puppies with full three generation pedigree with papers. Bot..
we are located in lexington, ky and have 6 males and 3 female that just turned 5 weeks ol..
Beautiful Bloodhound Puppies Available and ready. They are super sweet with a funny perso..
AKC limited registration OFA health tested parents Hips/elbows & more DNA tested also..
3 Males Up to date on worming, First shots and booster shots. Vet checked. Very happy and..