akc blxxdhxunds. bxrn xn september xxrd xxxx and will be ready at x weeks nxvember xxth xxxx. we have x available frxm a litter xf xx. we have x males and x females available at this time.all puppies will be vet checked and have had their dew claws remxved. all puppies are up tx date xn age apprxpriate shxts and wxrming. they are raised inside xf my hxme and handle frxm day x. i ask fxr all puppies tx gx tx indxxr hxmes xnly. i alsx included a phxtx xf the prxud parent's. we are lxcated in kingwxxd wv . if yxu have any questixns xr wxuld like mxre infxrmatixn feel free tx call me at . x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x