Mini australian shepherd mother Lacey is red merle and dad Snickers is solid red tri. She had puppies on 8-9-21. half the litter are red merle and half are solid red tri-color. Parents are pictured below. Also puppies born out of Moe and Toby on 8-7-21 are from a herding and working 100% purebred line of border collie with none of the 211 genetic health markers tested for. Toby and Moe also pictured below. Cindy had her pups on 7-29-21. Father Scotty is a registered smooth coat. All puppies will be up to date on deworming, nails trimmed, and first vaccines. Parents on site still herding cattle. Welcome to the farm to see puppies and all of our working dogs. xxx-two zero five-xxx5. I will begin taking pictures of all the puppies as their eyes begin to open in about a week.