2 boys left to find there forever homes ready now. We are proud to announce that we have been blessed with 5 beautiful puppie 4 boys and 1 girl who have had around the clock care. Pups are HC-HSF4 hereditary clear. Mum is our much loved family pet Jazz and she has very good patella scores and has lots of Wildax lines. Jazz's sire is Wildax Augustus Brown. Sire to puppies is Glenauld Highlander of Wildax (scotty) who is also the sire to the winner of crufts best of breed 2017 Wildax white sock. Puppies have been brought up with small children and other dogs. Puppies Are microchipped and KC registered. Wormed up to date. No endorsements. Have first vaccinations. 5 weeks free insurance. Puppy pack.