2 beautiful flashy black brindle w/black mask white mkgs males boxer puppies, they are 4 weeks old, they were born on July 23, 2016, they are very sweet, playful and loving, they will come with AKC registeration papers, first shots, health certificate, litter certificate, multiple dewormings and some puppy starter food, tails docked & dewclaws removed. They have champion bloodlines and show potential.......we do limited and full registeration, were asking $900 for limited pet registeration and for full registeration with breeders rights just text or email us for price, we do not hold unless we have a down deposit of $150 to hold till their ready to go (The Down Deposit Is Not Refundable) we will send updated pics and information on how their doing once a week till their ready to go, they will be ready to go September 17th at 8 weeks old, we are working on puppy pad training and potty training outside well in our care till he's ready to go. Their mother is 50% European & 50% American Boxer, she is a Flashy Black Brindle w/Black Mask White Mkgs. She is a Large Boxer she weighs 85 lbs, His father is 100% American Boxer, he is a Handsome Reverse Brindle w/Black Mask white mkgs. he is a medium boxer he weighs 56 lbs. Both Parents Are On Site. They are being raised inside our home in a family home with young children, other pets such as Chihuahuas &a Siamese cat, they will be well socialized and played with well in our care.........If interested in these sweet beautiful boys or for more information just text (xxx_xxx-xxxx or email us at xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx thanks and have a wonderful day!!!!!