We currently have 1 male and 2 female, 2 week old bull terrier puppies available. They were born on October 10th, 2023. Both parents are fully registered with the AKC. All pups will be fully registered as well. This is the dam's second litter. She is 2 years old with brindle and white coloration. She is an Ann Dees dog through her maternal line. The father is a grand champion, Jocko’s the Muzzleloader at Durham. He is white with black spots around his ears. He has had all the recommended AKC health screenings. All puppies will be given a fecal exam, their first set of vaccines, and a dewormer at 8 weeks old. A copy of the vet exam results will go home with each pup. All of our puppies have a health guarantee. Ask for a copy of our sales contract for more details. If you can't come see us, we can deliver the puppy to you for a fee (which varies based on location). Contact (xxx) xxx-xxx2 for more pictures, videos, RN#'s, pedigrees, to schedule a visit, or questions.