Puppies born December 4,Lots to choose from both males and females, black male puppy 600,..
Shoto is 3 weeks old and already SO sweet, soft, and cuddly! He has beautiful blue eyes l..
These puppies are F1bb mini Golden Doodles. Born October 1st. Offering a pre-Christmas di..
3 precious, energetic Welsh Pembroke Corgi puppies (2 red male puppies and 1 tricolored m..
These puppies are F1bb mini Golden Doodles. Born October 1st. Offering a pre-Christmas di..
F2BB. Fourth and final litter from our “Teddy Bear” mama. 2F and 4M still available i..
ICCF/UKC (full rights) cane corso puppies available for new homes Feb 1st. Taking deposit..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
1 BEAUTIFULTOY BOY GROWN 5-6# at best AVAILABLE FROM OUR NolaxRemi xx-xx-xxxx War Dog Her..