We have both male and female pure bred cane corso puppies available for their forever home beginning May 8 2022 at which they will be 8 weeks old. By that time they will have had their current vaccinations microchip and health exam. Their tails have been docked and their declaws have been removed. Mom and dad both are very loving and calm quick learners agile and alert. We are accepting deposits of $350 to hold a puppy for you. The order in which you pay your deposit will determine the order that you get to pick your puppy on May 8 2022. You will receive written confirmation of this deposit as well as your spot in line to pick your puppy. I will update you with new photos and milestones and send you an appointment date and time as it gets closer to May 8. Once they are ready to go home the remaining 1450 is due. We accept cash paypal or zelle. Cane Corsos are very sweet and loving and are wonderful with children. They make great family pets and will guard your home and family. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.