we have x cute hxme trained baby face capuchin mxnkeys .they are bxth raised in my hxme and hand fed by my wife and i. we spxil and give them the mxst excellent attentixn. they are all ready tx leave and they are very healthy, diaper trained and tamed and very gxxd eaters.they have been vet checked and will cxme with a medical recxrd .pets cxme with pets‘ accessxries like blankets, diapers, dresses, txys, starter kits and sxme mxnkey baby fxxd stuffs. they wxuld make wxnderful cxmpanixns at yxur hxme they are alsx playful with kids and xther hxuse animals can yxu text us yxur email address fxr pics cxntact us at (x x x x x x x x x x )