Handsome Cavalier male. Very sweet and loving. Will be on the smaller side. Any questions..
We have a litter of 5 Cavalier puppies that are ready for their new homes. They are lovea..
He is a very energetic and loving puppy. He loves trying to kiss you and wants to play al..
All our Cavalier King Charles puppies are raised with quality care from day one to insure..
Our puppies are raised in the comfort of our home. They are socialized with kids and othe..
He’s intelligent at 6 months old potty trained he listens well he gets alone well with ..
This is Charlie panda he is about 6 mo this old . He is the sweetest most intelligent guy..
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies for adoption. Very healthy, lovely ready to share t..
He is a very energetic and loving puppy. He loves trying to kiss you and wants to play al..
Pure-bred Cavalier King Charles puppy five-month male
I bought the puppy for my kids a d..
Akc registered 10 months old male puppy. He is not fixed but up to date on his vacation. ..
12 weeks old . baby have had current vaccination, vet check, health certificate and
1 ye..
Happy 6 month old male puppy for sale. Up-to-date on shots except needs his rabies shot. ..
Female purebred shih tzu. One week new born. Dad and mom are small Shitzu same bred. Mom ..
Marley is a one year old, good boy (male) for sale. He is microchipped and vaccinated and..
Hi! Hope you are doing so well during this time. I have a beautiful 3 month old small pup..
I have a 11 week old female cavilier king charles spaniel. I am having hard time taking c..
Sandy is for sale, she is a Cavalier king charles spaniel. She knows all basic commands, ..
Hello. We have 2 males 5 females puppies. Mom and dad on site. Dad is East German lineage..
Comes with supplies: Play pen, dog bed, bowls all brand new..
With supplies: Dog Play Pen, Bowls, Puppy Pads, Bed BRAND NEW never used...
It brings me great joy to finally share to the world my amazing family dog daisy has had ..
8 weeks puppy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog ,all vaccinations and shots are done...
They are so cute! 8 weeks old. Ready to go to there forever home! So much personality, so..
Two beautiful AKC Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies available. 1250 for the boy,(blac..
Purebred cavalier king Charles spaniel puppies! 2 black and tan males available. They wer..
Purebred cavalier king Charles spaniel puppy! 1 tri female available. She was born Jan ..
3 year old proven Stud for service in the central Florida area. 3 successful breedings an..
Beautiful 11 week old females. High prey and hunt drive. KNPV blood line. Parents are on ..
We have a litter of Nine beautiful
Standard poodle puppies born on
November 5th 2024. W..
I have 11 beautiful puppies available. Full American pitbull. I have 5 males and 6..
AKC with all vaccines and dewormer.
These yellow lab puppies are amazing family dogs! Th..