I purchased our little Greenie for my grandson, age seven, in January 2022 as a birthday gift at the suggestion of my daughter-in-law. The $450 is what we originally spent. My husband and I have been caring for Greenie for six months, so she must be at least eight months or more. We soon realized that our grandson was not old enough to care for such an exotic and interesting creature. They returned her to us within a week. We are in our seventies and don’t have the energy or interest in keeping her, yet feel responsible for her wellbeing. We have everything you would need, including a waterfall & volcanic mister. We have taken her to our vet for advice, so she has been well cared for. She’s very comfortable being held and loves the meal worm treats. We even bought a table for her terrarium so she sits in the family room with us, looking outside. I’ve taken her outside before and let her climb on my butterfly bush, and she loves it. I’d love to share pictures as she’s quite cute.