Hello my dear dog lovers ;-) THIS IS A VERY SPECIAL STORY AN A SPECIAL PUPPY !!!! We are a private family and not breeders ;-). We rescue and foster animals. The mother of ''''SURVIVOR ''''is a 100% Chihuahua, the father is Chihuahua/ Jack Russell. So they are 75% Chihuahua and 25% Jack Russell. HER STORY :: When she was born with a missing paw and a belly hernia, the veterinarian wanted to euthanize her. I was in total shock as to me she seemed just perfect ( with some few stitches on her belly ) and not in pain. So I told the doctor, let mother nature take its course and see where it brings us .... When I took her home, I was up 24/7 the first 10 days/nights.... It was really hard on me...I was ready to fight and give this little miracle baby a change of life....She was the smallest puppy and very fragile compared to the other healthy puppies... The first few days,especially in the mornings, I was soooo scared to look into the cage as I never knew if she survived the night... I had to change her bandages every 3-4 hours, clean and disinfect the wound, put antibiotics on it etc.... One morning around the 5th. day to my shock, the stitches opened up !!!!!!! I was shocked and was running back to the veterinarian.... Nobody knew if the new stitches/procedure was holding up the skin together etc.... TODAY ...Halleluiiijjjja ;-) She is a healthy fighter, her belly looks just amazing, everything has healed up, she loves her brother and sisters, fights to get to mama's milk bar, she also got her first teeth and therefore we started with solid and wet food which she loves .. In addition, I give her additional milk with a syringe and she loves it ;-). SO NOW: We are looking for the best families out there who can give her all the time, the love, the compassion, safety, and patience she deserves ;-) Text me for any questions or concerns ;-). Greetings xxxx