Puppy Treasures Small Dog Rescue has a litter of 6 pups that are ready for their fur ever home. We are open from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm 7 days a week please text us at xxx-xxx-xxxx for an appointment. They will only weigh about 6 pounds full grown. We have 2 females, 4 males, the two females one is long hair one is short hair, the four males one is chocolate, two are long hair and one is tricolor. They have all been hand fed when we received them they were only a week old and now they are ready and as a rescue we made the decision to provide all 3 puppy shots at no extra cost to you, along with an automatic watering bowl, food bowl, food, medical record, a leash & collar, a cute outfit for the puppy along with a toy and a chewy. If you would like this cutie please text us at xxx-xxx-xxxx and we will send you a video to see the great personality actually we have a video of a boy and a girl if your interested in any of the others let us know by text only and we will get you a photo or video of the one your interested in.