This is Leo he was born on February 16 2xxx @ 5:36 PM. This little Fella Is going to be ready to go to his Forever Home on the week of April 12 2xxx. Jocelyn his momma weighs 8lbs Daddy weighs 4.3 lbs. He gets nothing but love and affection every single day. He gets held every day. He will be socialized with people and played with too when at proper age. They are fed nothing but high quality food for their well being. We will also be sending home with you some of the puppy food he will be on to give your puppy the smoothest transition possible. Also a collar and puppy pee pads for the road. He will be potty tray Trained. He will be dewormed at 2, 4, and 6 weeks veterinarian recommended. He Will also have his first set of puppy shots from the veterinarian and her veterinarian exam paperwork/Receipt. *We will keep you updated on your puppy. We will send you weekly updates pictures/videos on your pup every Friday as he grows till he’s ready to go to his forever home. We understand in the world we live in their are a lot of scams and it’s just getting worse so we’ve been told from our past family’s. We can video chat or we can arrange something we’re u can come see the puppy in person if you’d like. ***$200.00 deposit** to take off the market via Zelle. We only use PayPal or ZELLE for our safety and yours. Remaining balance due at pick up **CASH ONLY **—NO REFUNDS ON DEPOSITS — ** IF SAID NEW OWNER CHANGES MIND/BACKS OUT. NEW OWNER WILL HAVE 7 DAYS TO PICK UP PUPPY FROM SAID DATE.UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN ARRANGED. IF NOT PICKED UP 7 DAYS LATER FROM SAID DATE .PUPPY WILL BE PUT BACK ON THE MARKET. CALL/TEXT xxx-xxx-xxxx if no answer please leave a voicemail Thanks. Have a nice Day/Night