HI! I am Scottie, the salt and pepper male Cockapoo. I am beautiful breed between a Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. I was born on June 7, 2016. My mom weighs 18 lbs and my dad weighs 10 lbs. They are asking $650.00 for me and if you take me home; I will come with my shots and worming up to date. Do you think that I'm the most gorgeous pup for you? Then, please call the wonderful people at That Doggy in the Window at the number below and make an appointment to see get me! We advertise for other breeders, this breeder is located in Ohio. We offer Door To Door Delivery and shipping More puppies for sale at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Call or Text xxx-xxx-xxxx Email: xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx