Beautiful puppies for sale. We have 5 females and 4 males dad is a micro bully and mom is..
Nick is a purebred King Charles Cavalier male named after the infamous Saint Nick for his..
He is a very energetic and loving puppy. He loves trying to kiss you and wants to play al..
Beautiful Teddybear 2nd generation puppy born and raise in xxxx. Only 1 Handsome affectio..
Puppies are 11 weeks now ready for their forever home I started potty training and is doi..
3 month old puppy for sale.
Healthy full of energy. Her ne is Lucy. She is very playfull..
These sweet babies are Corgi/Jack Russell (cojack). They make excellent therapy dogs as w..
He is very happy and energetic dog. Loves to be Spoiled with attention. He has all his sh..
He is a very energetic and loving puppy. He loves trying to kiss you and wants to play al..
Cremson's nick name is Georgi.
Unfortunately I have to find Georgi a new home because I ..
This is a sweet sweet boy corgi. I wish more than anything I could keep him, but our othe..
Corgi puppies for free free,((
Beautiful and rare colored corgi to great home!
He is a year old and up to date on all v..
Female French Bulldog …2 years Located in xxxx (xxx)xxx-xxxx..
Emmett is 9 months old. He is really friendly. We can no longer keep him due to our sched..
Same price that we got her , comes with all documents, vaccination up to date, semi potty..
We are looking forward to rehome this babies to a good and loving family that'll spoil th..
we are beautiful corgi puppies, my family has been breeding dogs (Pembroke welsh Corgi) s..
Sven is an adorable, cuddly King Charles Cavalier named after Sven the reindeer from the ..
We strive to beat the big box prices by bringing to you our puppies at the most affordabl..
Rehoming my Corgi puppies , pets only no breeding please , they are all ready to go now t..
Akc papers and vaccines. Beautifull male corgi puppy. 2 months old...
My daughter and I have a tricolor Corgi named Luna. We can’t keep her due to not being ..
Cindy is a playful, spirited King Charles Cavalier who's name originates from Cindy Lou W..
Hi, This little girl is an AKC Registered Pembroke
Welsh Corgi. She is ready to go to he..
Hi, This little guy is a AKC Registered Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He will be ready for his ne..
have one male and two female puppies now available and they are 12
weeks old, they h..
Very lovely and cuddly Pembroke Welsh Corgi pup ready just in time for xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx ..
ICCF/UKC (full rights) cane corso puppies available for new homes Feb 1st. Taking deposit..
We have two Shepherd puppies left one male and one female. Our puppies are pure bred AKC ..
3 months old beautiful playfalls lovable puppies Full of energy easy to train looking for..