Rileys Papa is English an mama is American AKC REGISTERED.... He is super friendly an lov..
Meet Arlo, he is an adorable 11lb 3 month old mini golden doodle! And he is looking for h..
This beautiful little girl Chloe is looking for her furever home. She is UTD on shots and..
Shiba Inu meets Pembroke Welsh Corgi and out pops 8 DKC registered Shiba Corgis. All are ..
Hiya! I am Dana, the sweetest female AKC Dalmatian! I was born on April 4,2017. I sit and..
Hello, our wonderful 5th generation Dalmation Dolly (Penthills Dotty Day) has had a litte..
My stunning millie has just had a Beautiful litter of Dalmatian puppies, ready to go 9 we..
Gentle giant Max is for stud... he has beautiful liver markings and is BAER hearing teste..
This beautiful little girl Chloe is looking for her furever home. She is UTD on shots and..
We have 1 Dalmatian pup, a boy, full hearing in one ear but not quite as good in the othe..
**NOW 1 LIVER BOY LEFT** We have a beautiful litter of 6 puppies from our gorgeous bitch ..
"PEBRIROX" Dalmatians , have for sale gorgeous Dalmatian pups , black spotted. Pups will ..
Full blooded dalmatians CKC registered born April 12 be ready in 6 wks..
Here is Rusty he is UTD on shots and deworming. He has a great personality and loves to p..
Adorable KC reg, black spotted boy puppy, he is BEAR hearing tested 100% so guaranteed no..
Beautiful Dalmatian Puppies
Our contract states they must be spayed/neutered by 6-9 mont..
This Lil guy is as perfect as they come very nicely spotted, loving, energetic,and most i..
Hallo There! I’m Charley, the amazing black and white spotted male AKC Dalmatian! I was..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Dalmatian Pups
I have 5 girls and 2 boys. Beautiful little creatures looking for new hom..
Hello There, I’m Buddy, the Sweetest male AKC Dalmatian with one blue eye! Who can resi..
Hello There, I’m Buddy, the coolest male AKC Dalmatian! Who can resist my lovely black ..
Hello There, I’m Bingo, the amazing male AKC Dalmatian! Who can resist my lovely liver ..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Hallo! I’m Betty, The charming female AKC Dalmatian! I was born on Sept 10, 2016.. I ca..
Ciao! I’m Bella, The delightful female AKC Dalmatian! I was born on Sept 10, 2016.. I c..
Hello There, I’m Barney, the wonderful male AKC Dalmatian! I was born on Sept 10, 2016...
We currently have one male Dalmatian puppy for sale! He is CKC registered, his dewclaws h..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
AKC registered 3 month old puppies. They are smart, sweet, affectionate, and loyal. They ..