We have 2 beautiful litters of Doberman Pinschers, 1 blue female, 6 fawn males, 8 blue males. Litter 1 was born August 25, all puppies are named with B and will be ready October 20, litter 2 was born September 14, all are named with L and they will be ready November 9. They have been well socialized with kids and are very sweet puppies. Tails are docked and dew claws have been removed. We do not offer ear cropping prior to pickup (our vet will not do it until pup is at least 10 weeks of age anyways). IF you choose to have ears cropped, it will be your responsibility to do so after you pick your puppy up. They come with their health record, certificate from vet check, and 1 yr health guarantee. They are being sold as pet only/no registration/ no breeding rights. Pickup is highly preferred. We do offer ground shipping through J and M Pet Transport. You will need to contact them directly for a quote if you choose to go that route. You're also welcome to fly in to pick your puppy up, but we live 2 hours from the airport so there will be a fee to cover our gas and expenses if you require us to meet you there. Please text or call xxxxxxxxxx with any questions!