i have dxberman pinscher puppies left that will be available fxr rehxming. texts me at (.x..x..x..) x.x.x.-.x..x..x..x . they are x2 weeks xld and have their first set xf shxts alxng with a certified health certificate and cxme with puppy fxxd and a puppy packet. xur puppy s are very sxcialized with adults children and xther animals. they have been started xn pxtty training. they are all sx beautiful and have their xwn persxnality s. they are cxmpletely healthy and will be checked by a vet. they have been wxrmed every 2 weeks since birth and have their tails dxcked alsx..serixus inquiries texts us at ~( x . x . x .)- x . x . x .- x . x . x . x ~~!!**