Daniff (Great Dane and Mastiff mix) puppies ready for take-home on April 8th! 5 males, 2 females are available Puppies were born happy and healthy on February 4th, 2022. Daniff’s are gentle giants, great family dogs, and will be your loyal companion for the entirety of their lives. Puppies will be receiving their first set of shots at 6 weeks of age; and have been dewormed (starting at 2 weeks of age) $400 deposit is required to hold your forever furry friend [your pup will be held for 48 hours before deposit is made; after this time your pup will be back up for adoption] Both parents are on site; please keep in mind that these dogs require 10 cups of food a day, and need space to run. PM if you are interested in giving one of these lovely pups a furever home! ♡ xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx Call or text @ (xxx)xxx-xxxx