Rue & Axl had their litter of adorable English Mastiff puppies born February 9th. We have 2 brindle boys left. Pics on my website. All of our puppies will be in great general health upon pick up. Health is number one for us. Every AKC registered puppy will come with their up to date vaccinations, be de-wormed at 2, 4, 6&8 weeks old and dew claws will be removed. Your puppy will come with a1 year health guarantee again life threatening genetic diseases. Your puppy will be Micro-chipped, come with vaccination/health record and come with a collar. This litter will be AKC registered and your puppy will come with limited AKC paperwork/registration. The cost of a puppy from Rue & Axl's litter is $1050. We require a non-refundable deposit of $300 to hold a puppy. We will accept cash, check, money order, paypal or credit/debit card for the $300 deposit only. The remainder is due in cash only. More info on our website at Call/text xxx-xxx-xxxx. email We are located in the La Crosse, WI area.