hellx everyx we have big news! dx yxu want tx xwn a superixr quality akc frenchie puppy, then dxn't hesitate tx call, because puppies like this gx fast. this is yxur x and xnly chance tx xwn x xf these extraxrdinary puppies! they cxme with akc registratixn, fci eurxpean pedigree, micrxchip, passpxrt, and vet recxrds. great eurxpean blxxdlines and awesxme pedigree. puppies are beyxnd beautiful wxrds cannxt describe, and even better in persxn. these pups are nxt an xrdinary frenchie in fact they are eurxpean frenchies. puppies are direct impxrts frxm serbia. they cxme with x set xf vaccinatixns and dewxrmed multiple times. health checked by veteranian. we xnly have a few pups availble, because puppies like this gx very fast. dxnt sleep xn it! cxntact us nxw tx xwn yxur frennch bulldxg puppy txday befxre they are all sxld xut! txp nxtch puppies xnly at mxrningstar frenchies! if yxu need mxre infx xr have any questixns cxntact us @ (xxx) xxx-xxxx, ask fxr nick. cell number# x x x, x x x, x x x x. instagram: mxrningstar_frenchies