11 Purebred German Sjepherd Pups Born 11/13 just in time for Christmas Day! We have 9 lef..
2 male dogs verry start play full estrong and follow order they like to play in water per..
I have 5 Boston terrier, with some Frenchie puppies. There all black white and Brindle. L..
Boston Terrier/English Bulldog Puppies. Will be ready Feb 2, 2025. 4 males and 1 female a..
I am rehoming my german sheppard husky mix dog. He is 1 yr and 3 months old. He is a very..
Hello I’m rehoming a8 week old puppy. She has her first shot and she comes with everyth..
Remi is a female 8 month old German shepherd puppy. She is up to date on injections and m..
We have 3 puppies left to find homes for. They are 10 weeks old now. Born on April 19, 20..
I have 5 Boston terrier, with some Frenchie puppies. There all black white and Brindle. L..
Puppies are 10 weeks old. First shots and vet check up. They are Black and Tan & Sabl..
I have three male black German shepherd puppies 10 weeks old have first shots and deworme..
AKC German Shepherds pups from German import lines. Health guarantee. Born 6 Apr. Shots a..
AKC German Shepherds, black/red, long coat, German import lines. Shots, health guarantee...
Mother and father both beautiful golden doodles, onsite.
4 black puppies (3 male, 1 fema..
Anastasia will be eleven weeks on Friday. She is a German Shepherds that is Spunky, Beaut..
Purebred German shepherd puppies 12 weeks old has first shots and dewormed doggie door an..
I am selling my dog Mogali, he is 3months old, very playful, healthy, and just a beautifu..
I have a6 month pup her name is Luna. She’s about 30lbs. She is not neutered. She has n..
Beautiful puppies with firsts shots and deworming.
7 weeks old...
3 boys/ 3 girls. Shots and dewormed
Last photo are the parents..
4 girls and 3 boys available, 12 weeks olds. Shots and dewormed..
I am unable to take care of her. She is 4 months old, knows her name and some commands. I..
Three beautiful females, Doggie door trained and 90% potty trained. Nine weeks old lookin..
My dogs had an unexpected litter ,i have 3 16weeks girls who need a wonderful home..
2 out of 7 left. These two were my choice but being a police officer I just don’t have ..
Working line German shepherds puppies do not come with AKC. Parents are AKC but we didnt ..
4 month old boy dewormed and has his shots just waiting to get his second parvo shot soon..
This is a Gorgeous outstanding European puppy that is smart as can be is already kennel t..
Hi, the reason I can’t keep her because my apartment don’t allow pets anymore :/
These pups are almost three months old. I have two males and one female left. The one wit..
6 week old french bulldog puppies. Litler of 8, six females and 2 males. AKC registered. ..