I have two litters available that were born just within a couple of days of each other. L..
Brindi and Winston had 5 beautiful, healthy little girls that we are now accepting deposi..
He has most prestigious quality from the litter. Even his color is not standard black, hi..
For more info xxx-xxx-xxxx the have all their shots and worm medicine and see a vet..
Beautiful puppy. 11 weeks old. She has all her shots up to date. Healthy and happy. House..
Stormy is a4 year old pure bred German Shepherd that is looking for a loving home. She is..
Female German Shepard 4 yrs old.
Free to a good home. Monett Missouri
Brindi and Winston had 5 beautiful, healthy little girls that we are now accepting deposi..
Hi! My name is Pistol, I'm a 21 week old puppy with lots of energy and spunk. I live with..
We have a beautiful litter of 3 (2 female and 1 male) German Shepherds. They are AKC regi..
Purebred AKC registered working line German shepherd puppies for sale. OAC and DNA tested..
AKC registered German Shepherd female. Mother is long coat and father is standard. Mother..
We have 4 beautiful little English bulldog puppies that will be ready for Christmas this ..
AKC genitically tested german shepard puppies. Up-to-date on worming and vaccination. 13 ..
6 pupps one male 6 females full bloode mom an dad here..
Three adorable energetic cuddly and smart pure German Shepherd Puppies need to find their..
He is the best dog I’m trying to find him an amazing home because I can’t have him at..
Red Heeler mom and AKC registered Corgi dad about 7weeks old. Winged off mom, healthy, en..
Protect your Home/Business with the Best! Registered Shepakita - "SARGE" 1 yr m..
Male, veternarian checked, Akc registered, champion bloodlines, pedigree, maximum complet..
2 male German Shepherd puppies. One male is solid black and 1 is black and tan. They are ..
Puppies were born January 10 will be available mid March. Mom is full bred dad is lab the..
My babies are AKC registered - They have been seen by vet and had their physical and firs..
This beautiful female German shepherd just turned a year old. She is mellow, loves little..
This is diva. She has an excellent personality and loves little kids. She comes with full..
This sweet girl has an excellent personality and loves little kids. She is crate trained ..
We have 7 German Shepherd puppies 4 males &4 females. Both mom and dad are ours. Mom ..
Bugg/Bugston puppies. We are now accepting deposits on available puppies and upcoming lit..
Claudia and Lucky have 2 amazing little girls that are now ready for their forever homes...
Hello we currently have one male and female left. They are 12 weeks old, up to date and A..
AKC King Charles Caliver Spaniel Puppies!
Vet checked
Health certified
Socialized , r..