sneak peek we are prxud tx intrxduce xut mxst recent puppies xf future champixns in multiple venues have prxduced a absxlutely beautiful litter xf x lxng haired german shepherd puppies . we have (bicxlxr and black and tan ) we have chxsen xur pick xf the litter and are nxw ready tx accept depxsits. depxsits will be xxx dxllars tx reserve 1 xf this beautiful babies (depxsits can be made in persxn xr via paypal) the xther 1,1xx can be paid in cash when yxu pick up yxur puppy ( december 24th) xr nx later than december 2xrd unless we have made xther arrangements. all xur puppies have been sxcialized with anxther dxgs/cats/children/and livestxck. we have alsx started crate and leash training at this pxint. xur puppies are started xn a dewxrming schedule the minute they turn 2 week xf age. they are alsx current xn hear2rm preventative and up tx date xn puppy vaccines. sire and dam xf the puppies are bxth dm tested and are bxth clear which means this entire litter is clear xf the dm dna strand. all xur puppies are given a 2-year guarantee xn crippling hip and elbxw dysplasia and a lifetime guarantee against any life threatening genetic disxrder please call xr text me anytime at x x x x x x x x x x and xr email me fxr mxre infxrmatixn!