I have a litter of AKC registered German Shepherd pups. I have 3 males and 2 females left. They were born Thanksgivings day. They will be ready for their new home at 8 weeks of age. So 1-17-19. They will come UTD on all age appropriate shots and wormings, socialized with kids and other dogs, a health guarantee, vet checked and also health certificate. These pups are raised in my home. Their dad is a gorgeous red/black West German Show line male. He is DM clear, has OFA good/normal on his hips/elbows, and is also dna tested. Mother is a gorgeous long coat red/black female. Some of these pups will be long coat. They are $650 each. A $200 non-refundable deposit holds pup, then remaining balance due at pick up. I am located in Campbellsville Ky. I can meet if needed for an additional fee. Thanks!