Our solid black female German Shepherd whelped 4 female puppies on 5/24/2022. The litter consists of 2 solid black and two sable pups. Dam of the litter is Dyce von Schone Stadt, Dyce is OFA excellent Hips and normal elbows. Dyce is DM clear. Both of Dyce's parents are titled Czech imports. Sire of the puppies is Bachneusohns Treu Drache, he is sired by the imported SchH3 titled male, Karlos von der Kinzigau. Treu has had his hips/elbows x-rayed and is DM clear. These are excellent working dog lines. Both parents are solid bold dogs with stable temperaments. Puppies come with AKC registration applications, health record, pedigree chart, wormed, and have had their 1st 5-way puppy vaccination. $850 with full AKC registration.